Inspired by Nature - Purity Herbs Iceland

Inspired by Nature


Our Products are made with wild and pure Icelandic herbs. The Products contain no chemical preservatives, parabens or synthetics fragrances. 






We believe that what you put on your skin should be so clean and natural that you could eat it. In the spectacular country so rich with pure nature and variety of natural resources is a powerful nature with a profound history of the rise and creation of volcanoes, waterfalls, healing natural hotspring, healing herbs and flowering landscape. 

Iceland is called the island of fire & Ice, the country with purest of water resources and fertile fields of healing herbs and flowers. 




Icelandic Nature in our products

With the benefits of the natures resources, geothermal water, handpicked wild herbs and volcanic lava Purity Herbs team have created products with miraculous effects on the health and beauty, for you and your skin. 




Only Natural 

Many people think of skin care as something related to the beauty industry, we dont see it that way. We believe it is rather as a matter of health and wellness.

In our Products you only find 100% natural ingredients, that you can without worries eat as well.